Auriel's 5 year fit20 journey

Why did you start fi20?

I always wanted to improve my strength and feel more energetic in my daily life. As I was getting older I fet I needed more maintenance.

What do you like the most about fit20?

I like the concept of having a personal trainer and only 20 mins with full intensity. I don't need to change clothes or shower afterwards. And the fact that it is only once a week is very easy to incorporate in my schedule and it makes sure I keep doing it for a long time already. Also there are flexible timings for your session.

What do you notice is different about fit20 vs. going to a gym?

Training at fit20 is different from the mainstream gym. At fit20 you always have someone monitoring you while training to make sure you don't make mistakes and injure yourself. Also there is no music or mirrors, the studio is very calm.

Why do you keep doing fit20 now?

This is life changing for me. I have gotten so much stronger in the last many years. It has saved me from so many injuries while performing physical work and daily chores. I have been coming here for the last 5 years and I am still keen to carry on.